Owner : K'Ju
#Refractive error
OD +1.25-0.75x10 VA 20/15
OS +0.75-0.25x140 VA 20/15
#Addition = +0.50 D with Binocular Function doing well
#Rx. : Full correct at distant with small addition for near so recommend Single Vision with PLUS Technology and patient have a problem with very sensitive to light and need selt-tinting lens (photochromic)
#Lens : Rodenstock Multigressiv Mono Plus2 (add +0.80D) +ColorMaticIQ2Gray+Solitaire protect plus2
#Frame : LINDBERG n.o.w. 6520 ( Customized )
Size: 52/17
Colour: C12
Type: n.o.w. temple 803
Colour: 10
Length: 140 mm
Engraved Name : Juli